Our vision is to increase the capacity, capabilities, and collaboration opportunities for non-profits to comprehensively meet the needs of the individuals they serve, along with their families, and their community.

Up Next:

Why have we embarked on this journey?

In one of the richest countries in the world, we encounter unmet needs every day in our communities.

At Networking for Non-Profits, we have a systematic approach to fulfill and provide basic needs to the under-served through our non-profit network.  We have identified gaps in knowledge, resources and capability, which can be filled with the application of the networking skills that we discuss with the objective of improving and strengthening non-profits through: Education, Funding, Networking, Operational Analysis and Growth Management Strategies. 

Our Purpose

“This was such an incredibly fantastic experience, I’m so thankful to have been able to participate in the Networking for Non-Profits Seminars and cannot wait for more events to come!.”

— Margo Vesely, IL NORML


One-to-One Strategy

Educational Seminars


Funding & Fundraising Support

Past Seminar Speakers